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Meddela mig när produkten går att beställa
Spelbiblioteket är helt enkelt vårt utbud av spel som man kan sitta och spela på plats, men som även går att hyra hem. Vi har ett brett sortiment med allt från barnspel till riktigt tungrodda strategispel, och allt däremellan. Många av spelen i vårt spelbibliotek hittar du även till försäljning i butiken.
Följande spel finns att låna i våra spelbibliotek:
Ultimate Werewolf: Inquisition is a stand-alone game of deduction, secrets and betrayal...with no elimination. Part of the fun is figuring out who on your team are the werewolves, but even then, you've still got to outsmart them!
A terrible thing is happening in a local village: werewolves are responsible for the deaths of many villagers. Unable to determine who among themselves are werewolves, they've called in a group of master inquisitors to help sort out this mess before it's too late. That's where you and your team come in. No stranger to werewolf infestations, you know that the best thing to do is to start lynching suspects.
You no sooner get started on this project when you discover that there's a problem...there are werewolves on your team of inquisitors! Now you're in a serious pickle: you need to save the village while thwarting the werewolves whom are working alongside you...
This version of Ultimate Werewolf: Inquisition includes the Full Moon expansion!