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CMNKB001 |
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60 min
Kaosball is the Fantasy Sports Board Game of Total Domination! To play the game, you need at least one Kaosball™ Core Set. From there, it’s up to you on how many teams make up the Kaosball League (KBL).
The core set of Kaosball contains everything you need to play.
4 TEAMS: Templeton Amazons, New Purgatory Daemons, Mt. Clobberton Ogres, Gotterdammerung Fangs 1 BOARD 64 HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURE FIGURES Four teams with 13 figures each (7 runners, 6 bruisers) 1 Coach figure per team. 8 Ringer player figures. 3 CUSTOM DICE: 1 x 6-sided, Tiebreaker die, 2 x 12-sided Kaosball die (to mark the period and the first player in a period) 1 GAME BOARD: Representing the Kaosball field 4 MAGNETIC TEAM BOARDS: Called your “team dugout”. Containing information about your team’s stats and special ability. Also tracks your teams Cash, Fouls and Active Upgrade points. Magnetic Upgrade Tokens: Further customize your team. 68 PLAYING CARDS: Ringer reference cards and Action cards 1 RULE BOOK (28 PAGES) 42 PLASTIC TOKENS: 30 Wound tokens, 4 Wall tokens, 2 Fire tokens, 4 Score tokens, 1 Kaosball token