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10-20 min
The Koryo dynasty is now defunct, replaced by the Choson dynasty. Unfortunately, soon after the founding of the Choson dynasty, intriguers known as the Watchers appeared across the realm. Ever since, feuds and disorder have sprouted up everywhere, but instead of the usual political contests and sneaky manipulations, armed warfare has become the rule. The influence of the Watchers has grown strong and some whisper they may even be powerful enough to travel through time.
Step into the political intrigue and armed combat of the Choson dynasty in this fast-paced card game for two to five players. Choson plays over eight rounds, each with increasing stakes, and over the course of these rounds, you’ll fight to determine which player will influence the realm’s families and win the game. Will you align yourself with the Oracles and Scientists or remain loyal to the dynasty's founder, Yi? Perhaps you may even infiltrate the mysterious Watchers in an attempt to learn their secrets.
A New Dynasty
At the beginning of each round in Choson, the top card of the Season deck is revealed, which determines the number of cards dealt to each player and the number of characters you may have in your tableau at the end of the game round.
Most of the cards that you’re dealt are Character cards, divided into nine different families. Each of these families offers different bonuses for controlling a majority, and each Character card also indicates how much influence you gain for having a majority at the end of the game. For example, the mysterious Watchers are worth nine influence points at the end of the game, but they have no special power to offer. The Yi family, on the other hand, only provides one influence at the end of the game, but he allows you to protect one of your families from outside interference!
After each player is dealt cards, you can play some of your cards facedown in front of you. On your turn, you can play any number of Character cards from the same family, two different Character cards, a single character and a single event, or exactly three Event cards.
Then, all players reveal their cards and resolve the effects of any families where they control a majority. In this way, you may gain influence over the dangerous Snipers, the powerful Gosu, or the learned Scientists. As long as the number of cards in your tableau does not exceed the number shown on the Season card, these characters can remain in front of you for the rest of the game.
At the end of eight rounds, the player who has the most influence over the families under his control is the winner!
Expand Your Influence
Choson is a fast-paced card game that can be played in less than twenty minutes, but still offers strategic and tactical choices. Gather your friends and see who will take control of the families in this new dynasty.